The trip for the month of April was to the Capistrano Beach house. Brian's parents have been taking trips to this house for about 10 years now. They brought the family for the first time about 4 years ago. The lady that owns it rents it out to pastors and their families for a pretty reasonable rate. We usually go in July, but this summer she's going through a rental agency because she wants to make money to put towards her grandkids college funds and to do some up keep on the house. So if you want to book a week this summer I could get you the info.. I mean they're only renting it for $7,500/week! Crazy huh?!?! Here's a
link to more information.
Anyway, we had a blast. Brian couldn't come because of work so that was a bummer. However I got to bring my friend Erin and her little girl who is Ander's age. We had so much fun and Erin fit in with the fam perfectly. Of course my in laws are so wonderful it would be hard not to fit in with them. =)
The beautiful house
All of the kiddos flock to Grandpa.. even the ones that aren't related
Andersen always wanted someone right next to him when we were outside... Nonna played that role on the patio
If we arranged marriages in our culture this one would be a done deal!
We love our rainbows!
Cam loves the ocean. His favorite place was being by the water.
He liked running away from the waves
Attacking Auntie Katie with the cars
Andersen loves hats all of the sudden. Funny because Camden would never wear one at this age.. he actually still resists!
Told you.. done deal. Ok there may have been some prompting from the mommas
Doesn't my baby look like a big boy?!?!